Outsourcing to the subcontinent
Some time ago I wrote another post on a Swiss blog about outsourcing to the subcontinent.
This mainly deals with outsourcing to South Asia.
I personally find the topic very exciting. Especially also because companies from Germany can definitely benefit from it. Be it the one-man company that professionally develops and markets software. The advertising agency that wants to expand its team or IT project manager who is looking for capable team members.
The post on outsourcing can be found on PublishingBlog.
There I write a little about the weaknesses and strengths of the model and also the level of familiarity.
It is also very exciting to see how widespread outsourcing to North America is.
There is almost no hesitation there anymore when you think of South Asia.
Small teams to large teams with several hundred employees are built. Not an issue.
The large companies from Central Europe are following this trend to some extent. Among them, for example, Adidas or Bosch. However, some of these are also very strong in the American market and know this method very well.
There are also some interesting things about the Indian software industry on Wikipedia.
That the business culture is somewhat different also helps this book.
To the best of my knowledge, there are actually benefits to be gained from such an endeavor. You just have to invest it for the long term.
Here are a few things to look for:
- Good developers: Things like diligence, integrity, customer orientation and technical knowledge are also important.
In addition, you should also not have a hire-fire mentality. You can let people go. However, they should be given the necessary time. Everything else does not make a good impression on the others who are still on the team.
Money Matters or Developer Availability/ Success in South Asia
Money Matters – English word for “money matters”.
When you think of the subcontinent, it’s often about saving money.
In reality, the real advantage is that you can find really good people there (Developer Availability, but you already knew that 🙂 ).
Even when it comes to culture, the differences are not that big anymore.
Conclusion 🙂
I would like to hear from you what contacts you have had with the country.
Sascha Thattil ist Blogger und Geschäftsführer bei YUHIRO. Wir bauen Entwicklerteams in Indien für Agenturen, IT Dienstleister und Softwareunternehmen auf.