Yes, it’s time to write something again.
Here are a few updates.
Weight Watchers
Health is important.
I run every day and I currently follow the Weight Watchers diet.
Each meal here has a certain number of points. Or you can calculate it on a wide variety of online calculators.
There are also things that have no points, such as fruits and vegetables. So: eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Also helpful is the Weight Watchers web portal, which displays a dashboard of points (where you can also enter points).
Daily sport
As I said, I run every day.
In addition, I now get on my bike more often and go shopping with it or go on smaller bike trips.
Hubertus Heil was in India
There is a shortage of skilled workers in Germany, and the Minister of Labor was also here in Kerala (an Indian state in southern India).
Why not use geoarbitrage?
I’m listening to a marketing book right now. A very famous book. There the author asks the question “Why not use geoarbitrage?”. A fair question. Which smaller companies in particular should face up to.
Write more
I try to write more here on this blog. Sometimes good topics come to mind. Sometimes just not
Read more
I’m already doing that. I try to listen to audiobooks every day and educate myself.
Use more WordPress features in this blog
I read a very interesting blog the other day. There, the author uses different fields every now and then. This is very exciting and fun for the reader.
Here is an example/experiment:
Why don’t you read this sentence
This sentence is written as a verse
Öffnen Funktion (hier klicken)
This is a set that you can unfold.
What is a "performatted" text? Here, for example, you could display a code without executing it. Or you could use it as a box, like this green box, to show interesting information. Write in the comments what else you can do with it :)
Big company or small company?
The question entrepreneurs often ask themselves. Should you grow fast and become a big company or stay small and lean. Both have their advantages.
I also ask this question sometimes. I do not have a definitive answer. What do you think?
Social Media Consumer oder Social Media Producer? (hier klicken)
Should you consume social media like most do? Or should you create social media content? This is an important question. Entrepreneurs should most likely spend more on social media content creation.
Agenturinhaber Podcast (hier klicken)
A new format in which agency owners are interviewed. It’s about learning new things and sharing knowledge.
Chill Bro
My cousins often use the word “bro”, which is slang for the English word “brother”. The whole thing is meant to be a bit of fun. I was still a little ticked off by it at the beginning Now I understand the value of it, or rather, made up my own mind. You should go through life relaxed (sure, working is important, no question). However, one should not make a huge head about everything. Challenges come, challenges want to be overcome. That’s just the way it is. Chill Bro
Yes, what’s the bottom line?
I had read a LinkedIn post today “Be Genuine” or something like that or “really care about others” and not just superficially. Actually a good approach.
Many greetings
Sasha Thattil
Sascha Thattil ist Blogger und Geschäftsführer bei YUHIRO. Wir bauen Entwicklerteams in Indien für Agenturen, IT Dienstleister und Softwareunternehmen auf.